Here are some other reasons why LED should be the number choice when choosing bulbs: you:
i. Low power consumption: Compared to other forms of lighting, LED lights consume less power and thus they help you to save electricity and money. An incandescent light bulb loses 80 percent of its energy to heat, leaving only the last 20 percent for light. LED light bulbs turn this around, giving up a scant 20 percent of their energy to heat loss. Not only that, but they operate at 10 to 20 percent of the power required for incandescent bulbs of similar brightness.
ii. Last long: There is no doubt about the fact that LED bulb lighting proves to be a profitable choice, since these fixtures last longer than conventional fixtures. Durability and longevity are two proven traits of LED.
iii. Stays cool: Since, these lights do not emit much heat, they stay cool and, consequently, keep your indoors cool. Therefore, they do not stifle you with stuffiness or tepidness which is so common with other forms of lights.
iv. Even spread of lighting: LED spreads very well and evenly throughout the room. Instead of throwing light in just one portion of the room, its lights spill out in all directions and offer complete and comforting illumination.
v. Green technology: Also, LED is a green technology and its UV emission is drastically low. So, they are being touted as the future products which will eventually help in curbing atmospheric pollution.
vi. Long lasting characteristic gives LED advantage to other lighting. Without a filament to break or burn out, LED light bulbs can last for over 100,000 hours without showing their age. This lifespan is twice that of typical fluorescent bulbs and twenty times longer than incandescent light bulbs.
vii. Low replacement cost: The replacement cost for these fixtures is very low since they last longer, and do not warrant regular repair or maintenance. Just install once and enjoy peace for several years.
viii. Brighter future as LED light bulbs don't contain mercury when compared to other lighting. Combining that with the fact that they outlast their energy efficient, makes the choice to go LED clear as day.
ix. Versatality is another reason to choose LED. Thanks to the wide array of colors and shapes LEDs be made to replace most any light bulb. Their diminutive size and power-sipping nature also open up a world of possibility, from infrared remote control lights to ultra-light headlamps.
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